Welcome to Open Web Systems
Open Web Systems is not your average business. We are a worker co-op, providing web hosting, web development, open source email and collaborative tools, which are free from surveillance and powered by renewable energy.
We actively seek clients who align with our mission and have a long history of supporting charities, cooperatives and non-profit organisations that are working to make the world a better place.
Open Web Systems is on a mission to provide ethical web tools which support the collaborative, regenerative economy and grow the cooperative commons.
Silke Helfrich and David Bollier, the authors of Free, Fair and Alive, define commons as “…living social systems through which people address their shared problems in self-organized ways.”
We focus on building cooperatively owned and managed infrastructure, which supports purpose driven organisations, helping them to escape the exploitative, data-harvesting services provided by big corporations.
Profit for a purpose
Open Web Systems uses profits for a purpose. 100% of our profits are reinvested in the business, and our related projects, to help grow the cooperative commons.
Cooperation in action
Open Web Systems is a collaboration between The Open Co-op, Collective Tools, and several other cooperative IT providers, which are working to create a more ethical, equitable world.
The Open Co-op was founded in 2004. We have produced several conferences on platform co-ops and run a range of collaborative projects to help create decentralised collaboration at scale.